Meet the Teacher

Mrs. Nonya Chesney

Mrs. Nonya Chesney photo


I am an ESL Teacher for Harnett County Schools. I am fortunate to be able to teach at both Western Harnett Middle School and Benhaven Elementary School! I have been teaching for over twenty years and I enjoy nurturing a love of reading and language in my students.

Daily Schedule

7:35-8:10-ESL 8th Grade

8:10-8:55-Push In 7th/8th


9:40-10:35-Push In 6th/7th

10:55-11:30-ESL 7th Grade Lunch Class

11:40-12:15-PLCs, One on One Students and 6th Grade Lunch Class

1:25-1:55-BES Kindergarten

1:55-2:25 BES Kindergarten

Phone Numbers:

WHMS (919) 499-4497 Ext. 725

BES (919) 499-4811 Ext. 1609


Degrees & Certifications:

M.A. Language Arts Education (Fayetteville State University)

TESOL Professional Certificate (Arizona State University: Global Launch)

Media Specialist Add-on Licensure (East Carolina University)

Teaching Certifications

ESL K-12

Reading K-12

Language Arts 6-9

English 9-12

Media K-12

Standards/Useful Links

WIDA Standards