Career and Technical Education

For additional information, contact:
Lindsey Hardee, Director of Career and Technical Education
Phone: 910-893-8151 (Ext. 300300)
Steven Hamby, Primary Point of Contact, Curriculum & Instructional Support, Career and Technical Education
Phone: 910-893-8151 (Ext. 300331)
CTE NCDPI Course Management System
Career and Technical Education courses are available in all Harnett County high schools, middle schools, and the alternative school. Approximately 10,000 students (duplicated count) are currently being served by 98 Career and Technical Education staff members in 75 Career and Technical Education courses in 7 different program areas. The mission of Career and Technical Education (CTE) is to empower students to be successful citizens, workers, and leaders in a global economy. CTE programs are designed to contribute to the broad educational achievement of students, including basic skills, as well as their ability to work independently and as part of a team, think creatively and solve problems, and utilize technology in the thinking and problem-solving process.
Through career exploration courses taught in the middle grades, students are exposed to the world of work and begin a life-long career planning process. This process is expanded at the high school level as instructors focus on skill development to prepare students for further education and/or employment.
Career and Technical Education courses are offered in the following program areas:
Business, Finance, and Marketing Education
Computer Science, IT, and Technology Education